The Stormwater mural is a part of the unique collaborative project at the Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge and is an Art in Public Places project commissioned by the Bernalillo County Public Art Program.
Five female muralists (Francesca Searer, Haley Greenfeather English, Nani Chacon, Erin De Rosa, and Jessica Chao) partnered with the Wildlife Refuge, the Friends of Valle de Oro Urban Wildlife Refuge, Rocky Mountain Youth Corps, and the Bernalillo County Public Art Program to produce five billboard-style murals situated at the entries to field areas of the refuge.
The field murals are a long-term temporary project to last the duration of the interim construction phase of the refuge. Artists worked with refuge biologists and staff to respond to the specific species found in each habitat to develop their design concepts.
The project format of billboard-style murals is derivative from a Land-Art concept,which engages with relationships of the American Southwest to the modern automotive viewership of landscapes and wildlife.
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